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Float right
This is the first block-level element, flow is from top to bottom and elements are expanded over the complete width of
the webpage.
This is the second element which is floated to the right but still placed in the normal flow: starting on the line it should start but placed to the right.
This element must have a width set or otherwise it just occupies the whole page (like now...).
Finally, we have the third element which now is positioned left of the float starting at the left space by the
second element. But because the previous element has no width set it uses all space and everything now looks like normal flow.
So, now width a width (800px) set:
This is the first block-level element, flow is from top to bottom and elements are expanded over the complete width of
the webpage.
This is the second element which is floated to the right but still placed in the normal flow: starting on the line it should start but placed to the right.
This element must have a width set or otherwise it just occupies the whole page (like above...).
Finally, we have the third element which now is positioned left of the float starting at the left space by the
second element and if we type enought and even a bit more and some more characters... it has just enough text to see it flow around the second element: this text should be underneath the second element.